Sunday, January 22, 2012

Before Pictrues...

I keep doing stuff at home and not taking before photos. I seem to putter around for a while and then all of a sudden something is done, but I haven't made the decision to do it. I want to be taking after pictures but they are really no good to me without the before. Kinda frustrating.

Like today I tidied up my bedroom, okay bad example I am not going to post a before (or any picture) of my bedroom. At least not until I get it just the way I want it. I have a lot of work to do in there, because I can close the door it is easy to hide my disaster. I know it is a bad habit, 'throw it in there and I will deal with it later'. The problem so far is that I haven't been dealing with it later. I guess 'later' hasn't come yet.

Wow profound realization. One day at a time doesn't include 'later'. Living in the present is right now, not 'later'. I can't believe it has taken me 30 yeas to realize this.

Well I guess that means I need to get something done in the 'right now'.

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