Friday, January 25, 2013

Okay, so I haven't been really motivated to get rid of stuff yet this year. Really is that such a problem? I know that New Year's Resolutions are supposed to come into effect immediately, but really is January the best time to be going through the storage room and digging through all that stuff. Wouldn't it be better to do it in the spring when the weather is nicer and I can open up all the windows and get some real air in there and scare all those skeletons out into the light where they should be. Okay who am I trying to kid, right now is the best time for me to be doing that stuff. I have a whole bunch of time on my hands. I keep thinking that I should be doing it and then I find something much more entertaining to do. Yes, I said it. Entertaining - not productive.

Am I convincing you that I shouldn't be working on it? No I didn't think so. I am not doing a very good job of convincing me either.

This blog is about getting rid of the stuff that isn't working for me anymore. And so far I have done a lot of talking about motivation, and planing to get stuff done. Maybe this is the problem... I don't want to get to work because I would rather blog about not wanting to do it.

Wow! How self destructive is that?!?!?!?

I have a stack of newspapers that I have been picking through slowly. When I pick up a paper on the bus or the coffee shop I read most of it and do the puzzles in the back, then I flip through and check the headlines. If there is something I want to read I put the paper in the pile, and it gets forgotten. I started looking at it a couple of days back and got through about half of it, but to do the papers means that some other stuff I do everyday gets postponed. Now I have to think about my everyday routines might change and how and where.

Big thoughts, it is a little too late in the evening for such big thoughts.

Maybe I will procrastinate on it tomorrow....

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