Sunday, July 15, 2012

I have noticed lately, (and months past) that some of the Quilting Bloggers post their 'finishes' for the quarter.

I figure there must be something more to this but don't have time right now to figure it out.

So I am going to post my own 'finishes' for this quarter.

(How long is a quarter? Is it really only 3 months?)

I am going to start small. I have a huge amount of WIP, for the time I have been quilting compared to the time that I quilt. I guess I could blame it on the ADD, but I hate to place blame.

I started this in 2009. I am making a quilted checkerboard for my nephew. (He now has a little brother) So Nephews. Maybe they can get it for Christmas...

I need a pouch for my laptop, so I have started to put together something out of my favorite colors. I am keeping this one secret, cause I am really excited about it. But here is my idea bundle...  (I don't actually want to get this one 'finished'. I want to get one side of it finished.)

It looks SO purple, it actually is a burgundy wine color, I hate the way a flash distorts colors. This is a pair of dress slacks from the nineties, that I hacked up and am going to make a new bag out of. I am thinking black for the trims etc. 

How does this relate to Downsizing? I have too much on the go, so if I get some stuff done/finished maybe my head won't be so cluttered. Or maybe I am just using it as an excuse to do some quilting. 

Well Happy Sunday. I gotta go now, so much to do, so little time. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I am gonna talk about my stuff.

I moved into this place just more than a year ago, and I have been terrible about getting my recycling done. Like I keep forgetting to put it out in the blue box. So it has kinda built up. It has been collecting in boxes by my front door, getting bigger and bigger. I made the decision yesterday that it needs to go. And go now. So it all got opened up and sorted into categories, plastics, metals, paper, etc. And this time all those boxed got shoved out to the car. Which of course is only possible because I finally made it to a bottle depot to return the stuff that has been in the trunk since September... oops! Little low on motivation this year. So now all this recycling is in my car filled the trunk and most of the backseat, on Friday evening. What was I thinking? The recycler isn't open on the weekends, I am going to have to wait til Monday, uggh.

But I was feeling pretty good about getting it out of the house and now it is not coming back in, no matter what. I kicked it out, it has no place in my home anymore.

I have read that Brooks Palmer book and I am taking it to heart. I have the right to tell my stuff to get out. I might have to help it out the door, but I gotta tell it.

Next on my list is my hoarded charity donations. Will share how much stuff I have been holding on to that I want to go to charity. You will either laugh at me or cry for me. I am learning to laugh about it.