Friday, June 22, 2012

Okay, it is time for a fresh start on the fresh start.

I was at work last night and I walked by the book aisle and saw Brooks Palmer's book Clutter Busting. I have been following him on blogger for a while now. I bought the book on my break. I didn't have time to read much of it on my breaks last night, but have been reading it today.

I so badly want to get out from under my stuff. I see now how much it is holding me back, holding me hostage. I took a bunch of before pictures because when I get down to work it tends to be spontaneous, and I always forget to take before pics. So they are all ready to go saved in the camera, and when I make some progress I will be able to show what it was like before.

I am excited about this journey, I've always had the desire to change but up til now I haven't had the tools or the motivation to do anything about it. Now things are different. I want it, I want to do it, and I know how.

I am working graveyard shift still, so progress might be slow. But this is going to be a gentle journey, I am freeing my soul and spirit from under all this clutter. I have been collecting some of it for many years. I won't be able to get through all of it in a couple of days, I need to do what I can when I can. I don't want to get overwhelmed and just give up, let the junk stay, there is nothing I can do about it. That is so negative thinking. I want out of that trap. Now.